A government backed, multinational company capable of infiltrating our global networks, electric grids, banking systems, and healthcare operations sounds worthy of a James Bond film. However, this threat was, and remains real in the form of one of the world’s largest technology companies, Huawei.

Huawei represents a significant threat to America courtesy of Communist China – a threat to our digital and technological safety. Their deeds speak louder than words. One of the company’s executives has been charged with fraud in order to evade American sanctions against Iran. Huawei stands accused of stealing intellectual property. Make no mistake, Huawei is a critical aspect of the Communist Chinese government’s broader threat to the American economy and our very values.

If Huawei had been allowed to succeed in its intentions to build out the 5G platform in the United States, the Chinese government would have a foothold in the backbone of our nation’s most critical infrastructure. If they were allowed into our networks, they could bring down our electric grid, our banking system, tele-medicine services, self-driving cars; you name it, they could control it. A stereotypical Bond film come to life.

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